In November 2016 voters in the Butte-Glenn Community College District approved Measure J, a $190 million dollar general obligation bond to upgrade classrooms to improve safety and prepare students/ veterans for university transfer/ careers, such as nursing, welding, emergency response by upgrading aging classrooms/ technology, removing asbestos/ unsafe gas lines, improving water conservation, electrical wiring, security, constructing science, welding, public safety, Veterans facilities, and repairing, acquiring, constructing property, facilities/ equipment.
Voter Approval
Measure J was approved November 8, 2016, by 67.00% of the voters in Butte County and by approximately 55.50% of voters in Glenn County.
How much?
Amount of general obligation bonds approved - $190,000,000
Sale of Bonds
Series A issued April 2017 in the amount of $42,000,000
Series B issued July 2019 in the amount of $49,500,000
Series C issued May 2022 in the amount of $50,000,000
Tax rate is based on average assessed value, not market value. The rate is the same for both Butte and Glenn Counties.
Series A assessed value per $100,000 is $18.14
Series B assessed value per $100,000 is $18.14
Series C assessed value per $100,000 is $18.14
What is it for?
Upgrade classrooms for job and career pathways in fields like nursing, law enforcement and welding.
Repair classrooms to better prepare returning veterans for high-paying jobs.
Provide facilities to prepare students to transfer to four-year colleges and universities.
Improve vocational education to prepare students for careers.
Provide a permanent Veterans Resource Center.
Build a new welding facility.
Provide a science, technology and engineering center for instruction in high-tech fields.
Improve water conservation.
Replace deteriorating gas, electrical and sewer lines and leaky roofs.
Remove asbestos.
Meet current building safety codes.
Citizens’ Oversight Committee
The Governing Board has established a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to ensure proper spending of bond proceeds.